Free Attorney Consultation. Free Review of Your Existing Estate Plan.

You heard us. A real attorney and the consultation is free.

Protect What Matters.

  • All estate plans and documents designed 100% by California licensed attorneys.
  • Affordable, flat fees for all services.
  • Simple and convenient estate planning approach.
  • Expedited process available.

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Protect what matters.

Protect what you love by creating an estate plan today.

California Living Wills and Trusts

Need assistance?
Call (949) 471-0136 for a free consultation.


South Coast Estate Plans - The Law Firm of Shea M. Randall

California’s Leading Estate Planning Law Firm

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Shea M. Randall

Founding Attorney

South Coast Estate Plans is a division of the Law Firm of Shea M. Randall, a trusted California Law Firm. We are a full service, client-focused law firm located in Southern California that specializes in designing sophisticated California Wills, Revocable Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directives, and More.

If you are just beginning the estate planning process, we are here to help. We design entire estate plans for single adults, married couples, blended families, and seniors. We also provide individual document preparation; whether the creation of a general or special Power of Attorney for an aging parent, or a Trust Transfer Deed for a pre-existing estate plan, and more.

We understand how important your future and loved ones are to you and work hard to make the estate planning process simple, transparent, and hassle-free. Join the thousands of clients that have trusted us with designing their plan and experience the difference in treatment and results. Throughout the entire process, you will work directly with our founding attorney Mr. Shea M. Randall and will have 24/7 access to the progress of your estate plan through our secure, user-friendly online client portal.

Read below to learn more about Wills and Trusts, the estate planning process, or contact our office at (949) 471-0136 to speak with an estate planning lawyer today.

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Simply put, a way to protect what matters

The term 'estate planning' can be confusing, but doesn't need to be.

An 'estate' is simply the totality of what you own; this includes your house, but also your bank and retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and more. 'Estate planning' then, is the area of law that helps you create a plan for what to do with your estate were you to become unable to make decisions for yourself, your loved ones, (otherwise known as 'incapacitated'), or upon your death.

While a 'Will' is the most common tool we're likely familiar with, there are many others available, ranging from very complex to very simple. Depending on the size and complexity of your estate, you will want to consider different options. It is essential that you have an attorney guide you through the options available to you.

Since each person has a very different life situation, each person will likely have very different wishes and concerns.

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Protect Your Family

Your family is vulnerable if you don't have a plan in place for when you die or are left unable to make decisions for yourself. Protect those you love by creating a plan today.

Need assistance?
Call (949) 471-0136 for a free consultation.



Simply put, it's a confidential way to protect what matters to you

Having an estate plan can be the difference between saving thousands of dollars in unnecessary legal fees or  undergoing a very expensive and public legal process with no guarantee of results.

This is because without an estate plan, your estate will likely be subject to probate.

Probate is the court process where the estate of a deceased person is administered. It typically takes a year or more and is a matter of public record. Even more so, the fee for a probate attorney is a percentage of what the estate is worth. A probate attorney is entitled to the first 4% of an estate valued at $100,000, 3% on the next $100,000 and so on.

A simple estate plan can save you and your loved ones all of this. It's simply not worth the risk.

Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more.

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Avoid Probate

Without an estate plan your wishes are subject to probate, a public and expensive process.


Need assistance?
Call (949) 471-0136 for a free consultation.



Once you hire us, South Coast Estate Plans handles everything for you

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Assess your values

It’s important to know what’s important to you: your values, your goals, and your dreams. For example: how do you want your wealth divided if you die (among your children, or, if no children, among your nephews and nieces?) Do you want anything going to a charity you care about? And so on.

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Consider your life-stage

Our needs change as life changes. This is why we believe it is easiest to begin where you’re currently at in life. We suggest the following broad life-stages: single adult, married couple, blended family, or senior.

California Wills and Trusts Attorney

Design your plan

Once you have a good sense of your needs and values, we would like to meet to begin designing your plan. We will ask you to fill out a questionnaire to help us get a sense of your current financial situation. With this we can begin; there is typically also a need for us to follow-up and ask clarifying questions.

We believe that underlying the creation of an estate plan are profound human concerns: a desire to protect those we love and safeguard our legacy when we're gone. A good estate plan should reflect these concerns and your unique wishes.

South Coast Estate Plans is a division of the Law Firm of Shea M. Randall, a trusted California Law Firm. We are a full service, client-focused law firm located in Southern California that specializes in designing sophisticated California Wills, Revocable Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directives, and More.

Once initial payment is made, Founding Attorney Mr. Shea M. Randall will begin immediately by meeting with you to begin assessing your values: helping you determine what is important to you and clarifying any life-stage needs. After this initial consultation, our team will begin drafting your plan.  Throughout the entire process you will have direct access to Founding Attorney Mr. Randall. South Coast Estate Plans goal of transparency and access to your attorney is what sets our law firm apart from the rest.

Need assistance?
Call (949) 471-0136 for a free consultation.



We make it easy.

At South Coast Estate Plans, we use technology to your advantage. Signing up is easy! Call now for a free consultation or fill out the contact us form and one of our attorneys will contact you within 24-48 business hours. 

Free Attorney Consultation. Free Review of Your Existing Estate Plan.

You heard us. A real attorney and the consultation is free.

Protect What Matters.

  • All estate plans and documents designed 100% by California licensed attorneys.
  • Affordable, flat fees for all services.
  • Simple and convenient estate planning approach.
  • Expedited process available.

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